If you do have concerns about your training, it is important that you contact your educational supervisor immediately. If you are still not happy after having spoken to the educational supervisor, please contact the Training Programme Director. Training concerns can be raised in a number of ways.
You can raise any concerns directly with any of the following people, in person or in writing:
- Educational Supervisors
- Training Programme Directors
- DCT Manager
- Associate Dean for DCT.
HEIW and your employer both have responsibilities and generally you should first work with your employing organisation, keeping your Training Programme Director informed of progress. If there are still unresolved problems, contact the DCT Team at HEIW.
For further information look at HEIW Raising concerns and escalation guidance
Raising Concerns if Patients and Colleagues are at risk
Dentists must always put the patient’s safety first and act promptly if patients or colleagues are at risk and take measures to protect them. You must take appropriate action if you have concerns about the possible abuse of children or vulnerable adults.
Dentists must be familiar with the Local Health Boards written procedures for raising concerns and be familiar with local procedures for the protection of children and vulnerable adults and know who to refer to for advice.
Concerns should be raised with your employer. However, if they fail to act on your concern, then please contact the DCT Manager at HEIW.
Educational supervisors and Dental Core Trainees must inform the TPD of any significant events at the Health Board concerning the Trainee and declare any current investigations by the GDC, Health Board or any other investigation related to their work as a dentist.