Dental Core Training Handbook

Trainee Data and Data Management

INTREPID Training Database

HEIW uses the INTREPID database to store key data on all training grade posts and trainees. The main functions of the database are:

  • Tracking mechanism for HEIW funding of all training posts
  • Local (for HEIW/Health Board purposes) and national (Welsh Government) and UK (GDC) reporting
  • Management of Study Leave applications by Trainees and Health Boards
  • Management of records of assessment outcomes

You will receive a login for INTREPID following your appointment– this is required to enable you to book your study leave. HEIW also uses the INTREPID system to contact trainees about issues that may be of relevance to them and so from time to time you may receive emails from HEIW that come from INTREPID as the sender.

Notification of Change in Circumstances

You must notify the DST Administrator and NWSSP as soon as possible if you have/intend to have a change in circumstances, whilst you are in your training programme. Changes could affect how your salary payments are made and your end of training date, therefore it is imperative you notify all relevant teams.

Updates/changes that need to be notified:

  • Change to personal details such as change of address or email etc
  • Out of Programme Applications.
  • Inter Deanery Transfer Applications.
  • Notification of periods of absence owing to ill health, maternity/paternity leave or jury service.
  • Resignation from a Training Programme.

Equality Monitoring Data

HEIW is committed to supporting a multi-professional, diverse workforce that represents staff across the whole of NHS Wales and the patients we all ultimately serve. It is vital that all staff and trainees we support feel welcome, are treated fairly and are all enabled to reach their full potential. We are committed to creating opportunities to implement programmes of work that directly address Differential Attainment across our trainees. To achieve this and ensure that our future strategies and policies take into account the diversity of the trainees we support it is essential that you complete Equality Monitoring questions on any surveys we release and information relating to your protected characteristics i.e., gender, religion, ethnicity etc are updated on INTREPID as this is the dataset from which we base our future work and equality impact assessments.

