Dental Core Training Handbook

Wales DCT Programme (continued)

CPD Records

Since January 2018 all dentists must adhere to the General Dental Council’s “Enhanced CPD” (ECPD) scheme. Dentists will need to complete a minimum of 100 hours verifiable CPD over their five-year cycle as well as ensure they declare at least 10 hours during any 2-year period. Full details are available on the GDC website

DCT1 Trainees in Wales have a structured study day timetable consisting of 28 days throughout the year, plus 2 set days of self-directed study.

DCT2 and DCT3 Trainees have a smaller structured study day timetable consisting of 6 days throughout the year, plus 24 self-directed study days, where they can pursue suitable learning and development of their own choice.

From September 2023, all study days will be organised via an online course booking system “Y Ty Dysgu” and CPD certificates for each session will be available to download.

Queries Regarding Your Post

You should read and sign a contract of employment as soon as possible and certainly within 6 weeks of starting in post and you should keep a copy of your job description too.

Personnel enquiries such as contracts, pay/ banding, travel expenses, job descriptions, working hours, parental leave and similar aspects should initially be addressed to Shared Services (NWSSP).

For queries regarding your training or matters which need to be brought to the attention of Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW), please first contact the Training Programme Director for the scheme or the DCT Manager.



General Requirements for all Dental Core Training Posts

All Dental Core Trainees must:

  • have a named educational supervisor
  • have a signed educational/learning agreement at the beginning of the placement included in their e-portfolio
  • have a structured induction programme tailored to the requirements of the post
  • regularly and accurately complete the Training e-portfolio
  • have ready access to internet, library and study facilities
  • attend study days as directed by HEIW
  • have a structured clinical training programme to address the major competences in the Dental Core Training portfolio and meet individual identified learning
Expectations of Trainees

Your educational supervisor has undertaken training to ensure that you receive excellent support during your training year. In response to this it is necessary for you to:

  • show a willingness to learn
  • foster good relationships with colleagues
  • in discussion with your educational supervisor formulate a Personal Development Plan within 2 weeks of your new appointment
  • maintain and update your PDP
  • attend all study days and participate to your full capacity
  • ensure holiday is taken in agreement with your educational supervisor and employer.
  • participate in peer review and clinical audit as required
  • manage all aspects of patient care
  • work successfully as a member of the unit/ department/clinical team
  • make competent and confident professional decisions, recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses including the need to refer and seek advice as appropriate
  • practise ethically according to GDC Standards, including respect for patient confidentiality
  • demonstrate that you understand that continuing professional development should be a lifelong commitment

As a registered dental professional, you are expected to maintain the GDC’s standards at all times, not only when working in your unit/department.

Occupational Health

Dental Core Trainees must complete an occupational health check prior to the commencement of training. Trainees will be contacted by Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) with regard to completing pre- employment checks and occupational health checks.

Trainees must provide relevant health screening and immunisation details to NWSSP and follow relevant protocols for inoculation, injuries and subsequent occupational health screening.

Trainees must also take appropriate precautions in relation to safer sharps practice and use the required personal protective equipment for safe dental practice and practise infection control as per local and national guidelines.

Inform your educational supervisor and training programme director of significant events or issues relating to your occupational health.

The Postgraduate Dental Dean / Associate Dean, Training Programme Director, Educational Supervisor or hosting Local Health Board may choose to refer you to Occupational Health if there are particular health issues that may affect your ability to complete your training year. Alternatively, Trainees may complete a self-referral.

