Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Educational Supervisor)

Concerns and performance

Good reporting writing is essential as part of the Record of Competence Progression (RCP) process and proves critical in situations where there may be concerns around a trainee’s performance or abilities.  Quality and detail of report writing will form part of the scoring mechanism for ES selection. If you have any concerns regarding your FD’s performance, behavior, or clinical abilities, then you must speak to your TPD. In the first instance, your TPD will attend your practice observing the FD with the aim of reaching a resolution or escalating to the Associate Dean for DFT, depending on their assessment.

It is very important that all concerns are documented effectively on the e-portfolio. The Trainee Progression Team at HEIW have published guidance on effective report writing in the form of the PACT approach -


P Precise descriptions

    - Positive as well as negative examples of strengths and areas for      improvement          

    - Plan to describe clear objectives/targets/deadlines


AAccurate evidence-based judgements

    - Advice given referenced

    - Alternatives stated or considered to evidence support given to trainee

    - Attitude of trainee and relationship with ES and programme


CComprehensive reporting covering progress against competencies

    - Complimentary feedback from colleagues/patients

    - Critical incident issues described

    - Concerns described in detail

    - Communication skills referenced


T Tone (avoid frustration and harshness)

    - Timely (note if e-portfolio engagements have been regular and timely)

    - Transparency (feedback shouldn’t be a surprise to FD)

 Dental Foundation Training - Performance Concerns

HEIW also has a Professional Support Unit (PSU) that offers advice and support for all dentists and doctors in training to maximise training opportunity.  Referrals can be made via the Associate Dean for Dental Foundation Training or the Postgraduate Dental Dean. Alternatively, self-referral can be arranged by contacting the PSU.

Contact: Telephone: 03300 584211 Email:

Website: Professional support - HEIW (


