Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Educational Supervisor)

Dental Educational Supervisor Approval Process

For the 2024/2025 training year, the ES application window will open in January 2024.  All ESs will be required to reapply for approval each training year.

The exact dates of the application window will be available on our HEIW webpage in the autumn, and you will be directed to the Dental Educational Supervisor Approval Platform (DESAP) to complete and submit an application for approval.

You will be notified in advance if you are required to attend an interview.

The approval process will include consideration of the following by the HEIW approval panel:

  • Application form
  • ES Sessional Commitment
  • QA Practice visit
  • LHB Feedback
  • FD End of Year Feedback

The above documents are now all available via the Dental Educational Supervisor Approval Process (DESAP) management system.

As an ES, your practice will be inspected by HEIW at intervals specified and you would be notified in advance of the date and time of this inspection. At the inspection, your FD’s surgery will be reviewed for layout and equipment and the support staff will be assessed for their suitability to DFT training. Elements of the inspection will include a review of your appointment system and the following practice systems – This will validate information you have supplied in your DESAP application Expectations will include:

  • availability of broadband access within FD surgery
  • use of digital radiographs
  • availability of a digital SLR camera with appropriate ring flash and macro lens
  • Use of rotary endodontic equipment
  • Use of Apex locators
  • Availability of rubber dam, clamps and accessories
  • Availability of digital thermometers
  • Fully stocked Hall crown kit

The visiting assessor will then make a recommendation to HEIW as to whether your practice is suitable to be re/approved as a DFT training practice going forward.

