Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Educational Supervisor)

Educational Supervisor Liaison Group & Educational Supervisor Representatives

Each DFT scheme has an ES representative who attends the Educational Supervisor Liaison meeting with HEIWs DFT team (Associate Dean for DFT, a rotating TPD & DFT Manager) every 3 months.  

The aim of this group is:

  • For the DFT Associate Dean to provide updates to ES reps on various developments within DFT Nationally
  • Enable the ESs to voice & share information and bring views of their scheme ESs to the meeting.
  • Monitor and review DFT processes and understand how these are impacting on our ESs.

 The current Educational Supervisor Representatives are:

North Wales - Klevin Fernando

Cardiff & Barry - Owain Johnson

Newport & East Wales - Not filled at present (If you are interested in representing your scheme at these meetings and would like to volunteer as the ES rep please contact Gabrielle LLoyd.)

Swansea & West Wales - Darril Williams

Glamorgan Vale & Beacons - Jane Williams

Swansea Vale - Patricia Moreira


If you have any queries regarding this group or would like to contribute please email Gabby Lloyd or your scheme representative.

