Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Educational Supervisor)

First Day

FDs are usually most concerned with how the dental equipment in their room works, how computer systems operate, what cements/materials they have available to them and the NHS basics including charges to patients.

The FD and their nurse need to have some time to chat and get to know each other. This period can also be used to familiarise the FD with equipment in their surgery etc.

It is also vital that they have a full and proper induction including things like a tour of the practice, introduction to the team, the location of the emergency drugs kit/AED, etc.

They will need to discuss ‘dos and don’ts’ and rules that may pertain to such things as use of the phones for personal calls, parking, keys, security, health and safety policy, fire drill and anything else you feel is relevant. They are unlikely to remember everything, and some things may need refreshing later in the week.

Expect to spend a lot of time with the FD on their first few days, and this should be reflected in the time you block out of your appointment book on the FD’s first day and week.

