Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Educational Supervisor)

Following the completion of the National Recruitment (NR) Process

  • Health Education & Improvement Wales (HEIW) will allocate your FD based on their National Recruitment ranking.


  •  HEIW’s TPD and Administrator for the scheme you have been allocated to, will be in touch, with further guidance on arrangements for your scheme and the scheme study day programme etc.


  • HEIW will be managing the Dental Foundation Training Programme over the next year.  If you have any questions about the scheme, the education or the training, please contact your scheme Training Programme Director in the first instance or Health Education & Improvement Wales central team on


  • HEIW will be in touch over the next few months with your log in details to access the following platforms:
    • the Dental Foundation Training E-Portfolio
    • Anonymous Peer Learning and Assessment Network (APLAN).


  • If you are allocated a Foundation Dentist who requires a student sponsorship visa, HEIW will forward their details to NWSSP who will be in touch directly with trainee and guide them through this process.


  • NHS Performers List inclusion - All FDs will need to be registered on a Performers List in Wales in order to begin Dental Foundation Training. Following our receipt of the details of FDs allocated to Wales from the National Recruitment office, we will contact all FDs to advise them to apply for inclusion on the Wales Dental Performers List immediately as this process can in some instances, take up to 12 weeks to complete. The FD will be asked to visit They will then select ‘Apply for Inclusion in the Dental Performers List’ in Dental Services link.

There are two application forms -

  • DPL1 for those currently not included on a dental list elsewhere in the UK
  • DPL4A for those currently included on a dental list elsewhere in the UK

