Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Educational Supervisor)

Appointment book

Your FD’s appointment book should be lightly booked for the first few weeks to enable them to complete work without time pressures.  Guidance for the first months of activity will be shared with you in an additional guidance document.

It may be a good idea to book an hour for filling appointments initially and allow the FD to reduce this time as they develop at their own pace. The FD must retain control of appointment times as the idea in the early weeks is to allow skills to develop without time pressures.

If possible, try and get a balance of new and existing patients to give experience of different treatment planning considerations both simple and complex.

Keep your own appointments light in the early weeks, as your FD is likely to need more support. Maybe allow time at the end of each session for discussion. It may be an idea to consider the DFT scheme timetable for the week (e.g. residential course, study days, tutorials etc.).


