Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Educational Supervisor)

Prior to your FD starting and the first few weeks after

It is a good idea to hold a staff meeting as soon as possible to inform the staff that the have been approved as a training practice and that a FD will be starting work at the beginning of September.  If there are any delays with the Pre-Employment checks or Occupational Health Checks, they will be notified by NWSSP prior to the 1st September.

Highlight to the staff that your practice has been recognised as a suitable environment for training a foundation dentist. It is important that all the staff are involved from an early stage to support the FD when they arrive.

It is worth briefing the staff that the FD will be a fully qualified dentist who will be enthusiastic and fully up to date with all the latest techniques, and that the practice will benefit from this fresh input of ideas. They will however need support, encouragement and guidance in adapting to general practice. This will be the job of the whole team, not just the ES, and everyone in the practice will benefit and be involved. If you are a new ES and practice or there are new members of staff within the practice that will be working with the FD, it would be beneficial to attend the Induction for new Dental Foundation Training staff.

Inform the staff that when speaking to patients it is important to refer to the FD as a young dentist who is experienced and up to date with the latest techniques. Avoid telling the patients they are newly qualified and on no account should they use the terms ‘trainee’ or ‘vocational trainee’, which imply to patients that they are not qualified.

