Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Educational Supervisor)

Selecting and preparing the Foundation Dentist's nurse

Your FD will require a fully registered and qualified nurse at all times when they are performing clinical work in practice. If the nurse/s are not familiar with Dental Foundation Training, then they will be required to attend a half-day course run by HEIW usually in June to prepare them for this role. This course is also advisable for any other members of staff you may have who will be dealing with your FD in any capacity. They will be contacted by HEIW to advise them of the date and venue of this course.

The FD’s nurse must  be fully experienced and allocated solely to the FD in the early stages of training, rather than having several nurses working in rotation. The nurse must be willing and motivated to work with the FD. The FD nurse should possess skills and attributes that allow them to be tactful, helpful, supportive, encouraging, and positive. They must have a good relationship with the ES, as they are an important link between you and your FD. They are a vital source of feedback, especially in the early weeks.

The nurse should be briefed to expect the FD to be slow initially and possibly unsure of themselves. They will need to be patient supportive and encouraging. They will be expected to guide the FD with NHS regulations, forms, computer operation and many other aspects of the running of the practice. They must understand your own role and be ready to consult and confer with you about the FD’s progress.

