Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Educational Supervisor)

The Foundation Dentists Study Day Programme

Each Scheme has a Training Programme Director (TPD) and a DFT Scheme Administrator. There will be a local centre at which study days for the Scheme are held.

The Study Day programme is arranged separately for each scheme by the TPD and comprises of a minimum of 30 days (a minimum of 28 mandatory and usually 2 self-directed).

The study day programme currently has a blended approach, with some courses being delivered Face to Face, hands on and online sessions.

Attendance at all Study Days is compulsory. Some days are held jointly with other schemes, some days include both ESs and FDs and some days are held at external venues.

The content is mapped to the Dental Foundation Training curriculum and aims to cover the curriculum areas that cannot be easily covered in the training practice environment.

The times with venues of the sessions will be outlined in your scheme programme which will be provided to the by the scheme administrator prior to the training year commencing. The start time for each study day is indicated in the scheme programme.

In the event of the FD’s unavoidable absence (sickness or accident), the FD will be advised to contact the scheme administrator (or equivalent) immediately, either by text email or phone.  These are the only acceptable reasons for non-attendance. The FD will be advised that holidays, social events must be scheduled outside of the study day programme.

If the FD must miss a study day then they will be required to complete a Foundation Dentist request of unavoidable study day absence form prior to missing a study day and submit this to their TPD for approval.  (Please contact the scheme administrator for the most recent version of this form). The FD must then formally record in the e-portfolio how the missing study day is to be made up. The programme for the following week should be discussed during your practice tutorial.  It is also helpful to reflect on the subjects dealt with in the preceding week.



