Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Trainees)

Dress code

It remains the responsibility of all dentists to ensure that their appearance is compatible with their professional role and does not in any way impede the effective delivery of the roles and responsibilities of a dentist, including communication with patients, relatives, carers, and other staff.

Guidance is available from NHS Professionals on dress codes and their application throughout the NHS. It highlights that there are legitimate reasons for enforcing a dress code including Health and Safety considerations, practicality, governance, and professionalism.

Trainees are advised to observe the legitimate dress codes of the employing practice. This may include maintaining appropriate standards of appearance, dress, and personal hygiene (for example the avoidance of large earrings, inappropriate skin exposure, unstable shoes etc).

Differentiation between male and female dress codes is legitimate, given application of the criteria listed above. 

Garments that may interfere with clinical communication, and its assessment, should be removed at appropriate times. 

