Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Trainees)

Prior to the start of the Dental Foundation Training year

Following the National Recruitment (NR) allocation to scheme process

  • Health Education & Improvement Wales (HEIW) will make available to FDs, a playlist of the practices on the scheme.  The aim is to give FDs enough information about each practice to be able to confidently preference.  Once all FDs on the scheme have preferenced allocation will take place based on the individuals NR ranking.
  • HEIW’s TPD and Administrator for the scheme you have been allocated to will be in touch with further guidance on arrangements for your scheme and the scheme study day programme etc.
  • HEIW will be managing your Dental Foundation Training Programme over the next year. If you have any questions about your education or the training, please contact your scheme Training Programme Director in the first instance or Health Education & Improvement Wales central team on
  • HEIW will be in touch over the next few months with your log in details to access the following platforms:
    • the Dental Foundation Training E-Portfolio
    • Anonymous Peer Learning and Assessment Network (APLAN).
    • Dental Juce
    • NHS e-learning platform
    • ESR (where you will receive and view your payslips etc)
    • Assure expenses (expenses portal)
  • It is important that you apply to the Welsh Dental Performers list as soon as possible, as this can take some time and could delay your start date. The website containing the application form and guidance notes is (click on the Primary Care Service link and then Dental Services).
    There are two application forms -
    • DPL1 for those currently not included on a dental list elsewhere in the UK
    • DPL4A for those currently included on a dental list elsewhere in the UK

PLEASE NOTE FDs will not need to wait to be allocated to a practice before submitting their Dental PL Application. You can add the Health Board that you are likely to work within, and if necessary, this and the practice details can be added / amended later. PLEASE ALSO NOTE: That the enhanced DBS application will be done as part of the pre-employment checks with your employer, NHS Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP).

  • If you require a student sponsorship visa, NHS Wales Shared Service Partnership (NWSSP) sponsorship team will be in touch with you directly to guide you through this process.
  • NHS Wales Shared Service Partnership (NWSSP) is the single lead employer for all Dental Foundation Trainees in Wales. This means that NWSSP will be your employer for your Dental Foundation Training year. You will receive a welcome email and FAQs from NWSSP confirming details about Pre – Employment Checks including an Enhanced DBS application, ESR & expenses details, annual leave etc in the coming weeks.
  • NWSSP will be your first point of contact should you have any queries in relation to your employment over the next few months and during your Dental Foundation Training year

We have included a copy of HEIW’s DFT privacy notice for your information. This is to inform you of who we will be sharing your personal information with throughout your DFT year.

Things to think about prior to starting on the 1st September

  • Consider contacting other FDs allocated to the scheme to see if you could live together.
  • Give thought to how you will travel to the practice and the study day venue. If you do not drive, you may need to look at bus/train timetables or consider passing your driving test.
  • Before booking any holidays, look at the study day programme - you will need to avoid those dates as study days are mandatory.
  • If you change your email address or phone number, please pass them on to your practice, ES, TPD, the HEIW DFT team and NWSSP.

On or just after 1st September

  • You will receive your Employment Contract and Educational Agreement on your first day of employment. Please read and sign this document and return it to NWSSP or as instructed.

You will be asked to sign and return one copy to the SLE team via email or post:

Medical Workforce
NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership
4-5 Charnwood Court
Heol Billingsley
Park Nantgarw
CF15 7QZ

  • Before you start seeing patients, it is important that you attend your workplace induction, familiarise yourself with practice policies and write a reflective piece on this in your e-portfolio.
  • Attend the first study day (your induction day).
  • Ensure that you have weekly appointments to see your ES for tutorials as soon as possible. It would be a good idea for you to have some topics that you would like to discuss with your ES in the early weeks. It is important that you prepare for these tutorials to ensure that you gain maximum benefit from them.
  • Familiarise yourself with the Dental Foundation Training curriculum, e-portfolio and assessments.
  • Think about completing the workplace-based assessments.
  • Book annual leave with your practice as soon as possible – please give at least 6 weeks’ notice and remember you must avoid study days.
  • Make sure HEIW and your Scheme Administrator have your up-to-date contact details.
  • Advise the relevant parties of any medical or health conditions for which you may require assistance to work and train.
  • Ensure you have adequate indemnity in place. During your foundation period you are employed by Velindre University NHS Trust under the auspices of the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership. The Trust applies NHS Indemnity to its core activities.

If you are placed within a health board, this organisation will also apply NHS Indemnity to your NHS activities, which provides indemnity for any civil claim arising from your negligent act, omission, or breach of a statutory duty during your duties.

There is currently no state-backed scheme for indemnity within community dentistry and all community dental professionals in Wales are required to obtain and maintain their own personal cover from a private indemnity provider or medical defence organisation. You will be expected to provide evidence of your indemnity cover to NWSSP, HEIW and the dental practice you are working in.

