Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Trainees)


The Foundation Dentist must notify their Educational Supervisor on the first day of absence when they require time off from their placement due to sickness; the Foundation Dentist is expected to include the nature of the illness.  

The FD is also required to inform NWSSP (their employer) of any sickness.  Please email

For any period of sickness absence between one and seven calendar days the Foundation Dentist must complete a self-certification form, unless already certified by a fit note or hospital certificate. This should be completed on return to work.

If the period of absence continues beyond seven calendar days, the Foundation Dentist must produce a fit note (medical certificate) for every day of absence thereafter. A fit note should normally be received by the Educational Supervisor no more than three calendar days after it becomes due.

Sickness absence not covered by a self-certificate or a fit note will be treated as unauthorised absence for which no payment will be made.

After any period of sickness absence, the Foundation Dentist will be asked to attend a return-to-work interview with their Educational Supervisor to discuss their absence and any specific needs or concerns they may have.

For any periods of absence other than annual leave and study leave that collectively exceeds 14 days in any year, a review will take place to determine whether the programme completion date needs to be extended. Any change to the programme end date will be confirmed by HEIW.

Please see below for a process flow with regards to sickness and absence. It is the FDs responsibility to report all instances of sickness to NWSSP:

