Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Trainees)

Single Lead Employer Mobile App

The Single Lead Employer has a mobile app to make accessing the various forms and processes easier.  The app is accessible via a PowerApps or via SharePoint. The app provides you with:

  • Microsoft forms to submit and report sickness/ parental leave / special leave / expenses applications.
  • Access to OOP and LTFT information
  • Contact information for the Single Lead Employer team/ payroll / expenses / HEIW / Health Boards
  • Information on various employment relations, policies and the processes involved.
  • Access to our Frequently Asked Questions
  • Health Board information
  • Training on a Sponsored Visa information

To access the App, you will need to have an NHS email so you will need to wait until you are onboarded to access this information.  Once you have this information, you can download it to your device using the QR codes below. Instructions on how to download the SLE Trainee App can be found be found on the NWSSP SLE website

Alternatively, if you wish to use SharePoint, the link is Single Lead Employer - Trainee Hub (

Note: You will need to also ensure you have Microsoft Edge downloaded to your device for all links to work. This will need to be synchronised to your NHS Wales account by following the steps on your device screen.

