Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Trainees)


During the Dental Foundation Training year there will be many opportunities for challenges to arise. 

In your training practice the main source of assistance in problem solving will be your ES.  During normal working hours you can approach your ES for assistance, or alternatively during a tutorial you can bring up a matter that is causing concern. 

Sometimes the speaker at the Study Day will be the expert able to answer the difficult question.  You are recommended to bring along to the study days anonymised clinical problems that may need to be shared.

Your TPD is also always available for help on a whole range of clinical, professional, or personal problems.  This does not have to wait until a Study Day meeting; contact your scheme TPD as soon as possible to allow early resolution of a problem.

The Dental Foundation Training Scheme is also a helpful platform to resolution of problems.  Opportunities for group discussion occur in nearly every session of the Study Day.  Sharing difficulties, problems, or concerns with the other members of the group often brings to light examples of the same problem that have been experienced by others, and answers can often be found and discussed.  As a professional all members of the group will respect the normal rule of confidentiality outside the sessions.

