Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Trainees)

The e-portfolio

As part of your Dental Foundation Training you will need to actively participate in the completion of an electronic portfolio. This is your record of progress through Dental Foundation Training and will be used by your Educational Supervisor, Training Programme Director and the Review of Competence Progression (RCP) panels to measure your performance and therefore determine your final outcome at the end of your training year.

You will use the portfolio to record your clinical work each month (‘Clinical Experience Log’) as well as reflect on your tutorials (‘Tutorial Reflectons’), Study Days (‘Study Day Reflections’) and your clinical experience as a whole (‘Reflective Log’). You will record any ‘significant events’ via the ‘Significant Event Log’ and record any learning needs and your progress against these via the ‘Learning Needs’ section. Each section will have it’s own workflow with input usually passing from you, the Foundation Dentist, to the Educational Supervisor for their consideration or completion and then to the Training Programme Director if applicable.

‘Satisfactory Completion’ of Dental Foundation Training is dependent upon you maintaining your e-portfolio regularly and contemporaneously.

Please be aware that your e-portfolio is a document that may in some circumstances be viewed by others, some outside the profession, especially in serious cases where a significant event involving a patient has occurred. For this reason it is essential that all of your e-portfolio entries are compliant with data protection laws and do not refer to patients by name. Your entries must remain anonymous with respect to patient identifiable detail and address the learning from an objective perspective rather than a subjective one.


In the event of an Outcome 3 or Outcome 4 at FRCP, you are entitled to submit a request for an appeal. Appeals are managed by the Trainee Progression Governance (TPG) team and the policy for appeals, as well as associated documentation can be located on the below web-page –

