Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Trainees)


Induction to general dental practice in your training practice is a process that is meant to give you a very firm foundation upon which you can build a successful dental career. It is to help give you and your ES assurance that you are confident and competent in all the areas of practice that you require at this stage of the year.

You have probably had an extended period without seeing and treating patients and it is important that you have the assurance that your confidence and your skills are still keen. It is not reasonable to expect you to be responsible for patient care if you are not confident that you have the skills present for their needs.

In your induction you will cover three main areas:

  • Practice-based knowledge and skills
    How does your new practice run? What are the protocols and procedures for dealing with the day-to-day business of practice? You will cover all these items, including the layout and equipment of your surgery, the team that will be working with you, the health and safety requirements of the practice.
  • Clinical skills
    Your ES will spend time with you assessing your skills and experience gained whilst at dental school and during any other dental work you may have undertaken. There will be opportunities for carrying out work on extracted teeth and using the materials available to you in the practice. There will be opportunities for you to undertake observation of other members of the team, in a structured way, helping you to learn about the protocols of your new practice.
  • Regulatory / administrative knowledge and experience
    Before treating patients you will need to be sure of the NHS regulations that govern your provision of care. You need also to know about how the practice computer system works and how the appointment system works.

As part of your induction, your ES will spend time introducing you to your e-portfolio and the induction process will be recorded there.

We recognise that you may benefit from having the opportunity to practice some of your clinical skills, therefore, HEIW have made Phantom Heads and plastic teeth available in all DFT approved practices.

Educational Transition Document (ETD)

In conjunction with dental schools all FDs will finish dental school with an ETD. The idea is that the dental school makes an assessment of each final year students’ abilities, and the student does a self-assessment. This document then comes across into Foundation Training to inform the ES. It is the responsibility of the FD to share this with the ES.  This document can be invaluable to your ES, it is not intended to highlight weaknesses to your ES, but a tool to help your ES plan and focus your training, to start you off on the right track!


