Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Trainees)

Trainee Representative & Trainee Forums

Every training year trainee forums are established to improve and encourage communication with our trainee voice across Wales.  Trainee forum meetings are arranged every few months to facilitate trainees’ opportunities to raise any issues they have in terms of their training and give feedback so we can learn how to improve our training programmes wherever possible.

At the start of each training year your TPD will encourage you to volunteer as a scheme representative. This is a fantastic opportunity to build your portfolio and gain leadership and management experience on a national scale.  

DFT scheme representatives will be expected to:

  • Attend the HEIW Dental Trainees Committee (DTC) and attend meetings three times a year.  (Please note meetings will be held virtually at lunchtimes or evenings to minimise the impact on trainee clinical time.)
  • Arrange and chair termly virtual Trainee Forums (drop-in sessions) with their All-Wales cohort to gather feedback from fellow trainees on any issues they would like to highlight at the HEIW Dental Trainees Committee meeting. These virtual drop-in sessions should take place virtually approximately 2 weeks before the DTC meeting of the term.
  • Please note should the representative be unable to attend a meeting, (unless unprecedented circumstances) they are required to arrange for a colleague (at similar training level) to attend on their behalf.  Apologies must be received a week in advance of DTC meetings.
  • Representatives should feedback any points raised at DTC meeting to their fellow trainees in a timely manner. 
  • Representatives may also be invited to attend UK-wide events in person in collaboration with COPDEND, as well as HEIW events for all healthcare professional trainees.
  • Reps will be in post until end of August.

Completion of the role and attendance at all meetings will result in a certificate of participation being awarded. 

