Dental Foundation Training Handbook (Trainees)

Wales Dental Foundation Training schemes

Each Scheme has a Training Programme Director (TPD) and a DFT Scheme Administrator and there will be a local centre at which study days are held.

Study Days

The Study Day programme is arranged separately for each scheme by the TPD and comprises of a minimum of 30 days (a minimum of 28 mandatory and usually 2 self-directed).

The study day programme currently has a blended approach, with some courses being delivered Face to Face, hands on and online sessions.  In respect of the online sessions, it is vital that you have the correct equipment and approach these days in a professional manner, as you would if attending a face-to-face session:

  • Please ensure you access these days on an academic device, preferably a laptop. Accessing on a phone will not allow for viewing of presentations in the required detail.
  • Please ensure your device has a functioning camera. Cameras MUST be switched on during the study session, unless directed by the speaker to turn them off.
  • Ensure you have good internet connectivity. If Wi-Fi is poor, organise an ethernet connection to your router.
  • Set up in a suitable space to allow concentration.
  • Ensure you have a microphone, and it is enabled to allow participation in the required discussions.

 Attendance at all Study Days is compulsory. Some days are held jointly with other schemes, some days include both ESs and FDs and some days are held at external venues.

The content is mapped to the Dental Foundation Training curriculum and aims to cover the curriculum areas that cannot be easily covered in the training practice environment.

The times and venues of the sessions will be outlined in your Scheme course programme.

In the event of unavoidable absence (sickness/accident), contact the Scheme Administrator (or equivalent) immediately, either by text, e-mail or phone. This is the only acceptable reason for non-attendance. Holidays, social events and such like must be organised outside the study day programme.

Please discuss any non-attendance with your TPD. Your TPD will ask you to complete a request of unavoidable study day absence form prior to missing a study day and formally record in your e-portfolio how the missed Study Day is to be addressed.

Preparation for each Study Day is vital to enable you to participate fully, therefore you should consult the Scheme programme in advance.

The programme for the following week should be discussed in your ‘in practice’ tutorial. It is also helpful to reflect on the subjects dealt with in the previous week.

The start time for each day is indicated in the programme. It is worth remembering that this is the time at which the first session will begin and that you will be expected to be present before the start time.

Late arrival at a session may well mean that you are recorded as being “not present” for the session.
Accordingly, professional standards of dress are expected at Study Days: scruffy jeans, shorts, t-shirts and trainers are not appropriate.

A record of attendance will be kept. Non-attendance could prevent certification of completion of the course.

Trainee Representatives

HEIW are keen to facilitate Trainee forums.  The aim is to improve and encourage communication with our trainee voice across Wales.   It is an opportunity for trainees to raise any issues they have in terms of their training and give feedback so we can learn how to improve our training programmes wherever possible. 

Each year we recruit a representative from each scheme from each training programme, who will liaise with their colleagues within the Dental Foundation Training programme.

An appointment process will take place in September to identify the DFT rep for the training year until the end of August.  HEIW will be in touch in September with further information about this role and the appointment process.


  • Attend the HEIW Dental Trainees Committee (DTC) and attend meetings three times a year  (please note meetings will be held virtually at lunchtimes or evenings to minimise the impact on trainee clinical time).
  • Arrange and chair termly virtual Trainee Forums (drop-in sessions) with their scheme cohort to gather feedback from fellow trainees on any issues they would like to highlight at the HEIW Dental Trainees Committee meeting. These drop-in sessions should take place virtually approximately 2 weeks before the DTC meeting of the term.
  • Representatives should feed back any points raised at the DTC meeting to their fellow trainees in a timely manner. 
  • Representatives may also be invited to attend UK-wide events in person in collaboration with COPDEND, as well as HEIW events for all healthcare professional trainees.

 This is a fantastic opportunity to improve and build your portfolio, gaining committee experience and developing management and leadership skills which are important to be able to demonstrate when applying for future posts.

