Dental Specialty Training Handbook

Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP)

The ARCP provides a formal process that reviews the evidence presented by the trainee and their educational supervisor relating to the trainee’s progress in the training programme. It enables the trainee, the Postgraduate Dental Dean and employers to document that the competences required are being gained at an appropriate rate and through appropriate experience.

For dental specialty trainees an ARCP should normally be undertaken on at least an annual basis with no more than a maximum interval of 15 months. It is recommended that an ARCP is undertaken within 6 months from post commencement. The process may be conducted more frequently if there is a need to deal with performance and progression issues or, where appropriate, to facilitate acceleration of training outside the annual review. They can be particularly relevant for trainees on three-year duration dental specialty training programmes.

Guidance on what is required of a trainee prior to and during the ARCP can be found in the Dental Gold Guide 2023 - COPDEND

ARCP Outcomes

Outcomes 1 & 6: reflect satisfactory progress in achieving the required competences/capabilities and are therefore referred to as progression outcomes

Outcomes 2 & 3: reflect that development of specific competences/capabilities is required and are therefore referred to as developmental outcomes

  • An outcome 2 is used where development is required without additional training time
  • An outcome 3 is used where development and additional training time are required.
  • Outcomes 3 require additional time so might be viewed as developmental extension outcomes

Outcome 4: is used when there is insufficient and sustained lack of progress (normally following an earlier developmental outcome 3) and the trainee is released from the training programme; therefore, an Outcome 4 might be viewed as an unsatisfactory progress outcome.

Outcome 5: is used as a “holding outcome” where there is insufficient evidence, and an assessment of progression cannot be made at that time. Therefore, it might be viewed as an administrative outcome to give time for the supporting information (which might be an outstanding exam result) to be presented.

Outcomes 7 & 8: are used for trainees in fixed term training post (Outcome 7) and OOP (Outcome 8) which includes periods out of programme (OOPs), statutory maternity/sickness leave.

