Dental Specialty Training Handbook

Employment / Host Organisation Related Information

8.1       Single Lead Employer

Since September 2021 NHS Shared Services (NWSSP) is the Single Lead Employer for dental specialty trainees in Wales (except for Dental Public Health Trainees). NWSSP is an independent mutual organisation, owned and directed by NHS Wales. It was set up on 1st April 2011 to provide a range of high quality, customer-focused professional, technical and administrative services on behalf of all Health Boards and Trusts in NHS Wales. The benefits of the Single Lead Employer model include:

  • Employment with a single employer for the duration of the training programme.
  • One set of employment checks as trainees rotate from placement to placement.
  • Consistent use of policies and procedures.
  • One contract of employment and benefits associated with continuity of pay through organisation.

Following your appointment, you will receive a welcome email and FAQs from NWSSP confirming details about Pre – Employment Checks, Electronic Staff Record (ESR) and expenses details, annual leave etc.

NWSSP will be your first point of contact should you have any queries in relation to your employment during your dental specialty training programme: , or for payroll queries:  

8.2       NHS Wales email account

As an employee of NWSSP you will have an email address. All official documentation will be sent to your NHS Wales email address. It is important therefore that you check your account regularly. Please make sure you can access this as soon as possible. If you require assistance with accessing your account, please contact: 

8.3       Electronic Staff Record (ESR)

As an employee of NWSSP you will have access to Electronic Staff Record (ESR). This is where the SLE will record absences and special leave on behalf of host organisations. Your ESR password will be sent to your NHS Wales email address. NWSSP operate a paperless payslip system so payslips will be available to view and download from ESR. Please keep your personal information up to date on ESR as we rely on this information should we need to contact you for any reason. If you have any queries regarding your ESR account, please contact the ESR Support Hub at

8.4       Expenses

(Please also refer to Appendix 1 - Guide to Claiming Expenses)

All dental specialty trainees are entitled to claim relocation, business and excess travel expenses. All claims must normally be made within 3 months of the event/expense.

Upon commencement of your training post, you will be provided with a Selenity account by NWSSP to enable you to claim these expenses.

  • Relocation expenses

New starter dental specialty trainees who are eligible to claim Relocation Reimbursement can claim against their Relocation Budget as per the All Wales Relocation - NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership. Claims can be made via your SEL Expenses account (select Approval Group: ‘Junior Relocation’/ Type of Expense: as appropriate)

  • Study leave & Study budget

Eligible dental trainees are entitled to 30 days Study Leave per year and an annual £600 Study Budget (Sep-Aug each year). Please note that normally any unused budget is lost, however during and following COVID-19 unused funds have been rolled over into the following year. See the HEIW Study Leave Policy at:

The process to claim expenses against your Study Budget is as follows:

  • Apply for your Study Leave first via the Intrepid Database (this is approved by your hosting Health Board).
  • Record the associated estimated expenses on Intrepid at the same time.
  • Once the event has taken place claim any associated fees, travel and subsistence costs via your SEL expenses account, uploading all relevant receipts (select Approval Group: ‘Junior Doctor – 043 Dental’ / Type of Expense: as appropriate).
  • Actual expenses claimed will then be recorded on Intrepid by the approver, once approved.
  • Refer to Intrepid for your remaining study budget balance
  • Business Mileage (for those travelling to other sites as part of their job, e.g., to community clinics)

Dental specialty trainees who need to travel to other hospital or community sites as part of their job are entitled to claim Business Mileage. The process to claim Business Mileage is as follows:

  • Ensure that you have business insurance added to your vehicle insurance policy.
  • Claim via your SEL Expenses account (select Approval Group: ‘Junior Doctor – 043 Dental’ / Type of Expense: ‘Business Miles M&D’)
  • Mileage claimed cannot include the mileage that you would normally travel from your home to your base site.
  • Excess Mileage (for those working permanently at split sites, e.g., Orthodontics jobs with 2 hospital sites)

Dental specialty trainees who permanently work at split hospital sites as per their Job Description can claim Excess mileage (which is different to business mileage). We are currently utilising the Relocation Reimbursement system for these claims (see Question 5 in the FAQs document: All Wales Relocation - NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership. The process to claim Excess Mileage is as follows:

  • Complete the NWSSP Excess Mileage Application Form at: in order to be set up for excess travel claims on the SEL system.
  • Claim via your SEL Expenses account (select Approval Group: ‘Junior Relocation’/ Type of Expense: as appropriate)
  • Mileage claimed cannot include the mileage that you would normally travel from your home to your primary base site.

8.5       Sickness/Absence from training

How to request leave

Reporting sick leave

