Dental Specialty Training Handbook

Flexibility and Support in Training

4.1       Less Than Full Time Training (LTFT)

LTFT training (or part time training) is now an integral part of Postgraduate Training in Wales. We have a flexible approach to LTFT training; all trainees can request to train on a less than full time basis. HEIW along with Training Programme Directors are committed to managing LTFT training in such a way that it is available to as many trainees as possible. If you wish to train Less Than Full Time (LTFT) please refer to the Dental Gold Guide 2023 - COPDEND and LTFT - HEIW ( for further information, or contact the DST Manager.

4.2       Taking time out of the approved programme (OOP)

Taking time out of programme (OOP) is governed by the Dental Gold Guide 2023 - COPDEND which sets out arrangements agreed by the four nations. There may be a number of circumstances why a trainee may wish to take time out of their approved programme to which they have been appointed:

  • Out of Programme for Experience (OOPE)
  • Out of Programme for Research (OOPR)
  • Out of Programme for Training (OOPT)
  • Out of Programme for a Career Break (OOPC)

All OOP requests need to be discussed and agreed with your TPD prior to submitting to HEIW for Postgraduate Dean (or nominated deputy) approval. For further information please refer to the Dental Gold Guide 2023 - COPDEND or contact the DST Manager.

4.3       Inter Deanery Transfers

The national inter-deanery transfer (IDT) process supports dental specialty trainees who have had an unforeseen significant change in circumstances since commencement of their current training programme that remains at the date of their IDT application. Requests to transfer to another deanery/HEE local office can be made by submitting an application for Inter-Deanery Transfer and required supporting documents. However, while it is possible for trainees to move between HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA (via IDTs), there is no automatic entitlement or right for this to take place. For further information please refer to the Dental Gold Guide 2023 - COPDEND or contact the DST Manager.

4.4       Professional Help & Support

As a dental specialty trainee you may experience difficulties which affect your work and/or training. Whether you have health problems, family difficulties, workplace issues, doubts about career choice or lack of examination success you should not think you are alone. If you are experiencing any issues like these, HEIW can provide you with help, guidance, and support. There are a number of options for you to consider if you need support. In the first instance, please discuss any concerns with your Educational Supervisor or Training Programme Director (TPD). They will be able to advise you and provide you with direct support in your training environment; and they can refer you to individuals within HEIW or your Health Board if required.

4.4.1    Professional Support Unit

HEIW has a Professional Support Unit (PSU) that can offer advice and support for all dentists and doctors in training to maximise training opportunity. Referrals can be made via the Postgraduate Dental Dean, Associate Dean (DST & DCT), Training Programme Directors or by self-referral.

PSU provides a variety of workshops and webinars to help support trainees and Educational Supervisors in their roles. Information on these training events can be found here:  Training available - HEIW (

PSU contact details:
Phone: 0330 0584 211

4.4.2    Careers Unit

HEIW has a Careers Unit which can provide support, information, and guidance on concerns such as: doubts in early months of a new training programme, unsure about a chosen pathway or not progressing in chosen pathway.

Careers Unit contact details:
Phone: 0330 0585 002

