Foundations December 2022 edition

DFT Welsh Enhanced Recruitment Offer Pilot

brecon beacons

DFT Welsh Enhanced Recruitment Offer Pilot

Welsh Dental Foundation training schemes have been involved in the National Recruitment (NRO) process, led by HEE, along with England and Northern Ireland since this was introduced several years ago.

The process in 2022 proved to be particularly challenging with several problems arising.

  • Poor fill rate in rural areas particularly Mid and West Wales
  • Concerns around lost service delivery and provision of care to patients, particularly in rural areas if these posts remain unrecruited.
  • Subsequent retention of trainees in these rural areas is poor

HEIW has proposed and had approved a short-term recruitment offer for 2023 and proposes that a local recruitment initiative should run alongside the main NRO process to recruit and incentivise applicants to take up posts in these areas.

Work is taking place with Train, Work, Live and including the CDO, to develop a local recruitment process for a specific number of places in DFT in 2023. This will aim to recruit to the rural areas with challenges around access directly and secure training places and services to patients.

 Potential Target audience for WERO and recruitment considerations

The cohort to be approached with the DFT WERO offer will be:

1.Final year students training in Wales (Cardiff Dental School)

2.Welsh domiciled students 

The offer will not be available generally to all final year students and the timeline would be such that the process would precede and be concluded before the main National Recruitment (NRO) process.

This will allow interested undergraduate dental students to be part of both processes and be closely aligned to Welsh healthcare need being addressed by Welsh based resources.

Locations for Welsh Enhanced Recruitment Offer (WERO)

 HEIW have selected number of geographical locations in Wales that either have a history of under-recruitment or are in areas with challenges around access or areas of deprivation. It is hoped that trainees who are attracted to these areas may stay on after training as they discover these locations hidden attractions”

Eight (8) Places will be selected by HEIW and allocated to the local initiative process in 2023-24

 The Offer


 Per trainee

Rural support grant


MFDS/MJFD Part 1 Examination Fees

(On completion and submission of a pass certificate)


Study Budget MFDS Preparation courses



* Travel and subsistence for DF trainees who live over two hours from study day postgraduate centres to be supported with overnight accommodation.


The process will occur between January and end of March 2023.

·       Generic advertisement campaign via various routes

·       Share maps of the practices

·       Local Recruitment Launch

·       Launch Video recording of the Presentation on social media networks

·       FD Posts announced

·       Applications Open via Oriel

·       Shortlisting

·       Invites to interviews

·       Interview - ONLINE

·       Practice profiles to be shared with successful applicants local process used for allocation to practice.

·       Allocated applicants announced


