Foundations December 2022 edition

Educational Supervisor Approval 2023/2024

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The ES approval process for the 2023/2024 training year will shortly begin. Please visit HEIW's DFT ES Approval

page for further guidance information.  The link to the DESAP system to complete an application for approval will be available, on this page from 23/01/2023.

Please see the key dates below: 

Developing Dental Educators Course (Essential for all new applicants prior to applying). 

The DDE Refresher course is currently still being developed and more information on this will be shared in the new year.  For 2023/24 approval the DDE refresher will NOT be an essential element for approval.

20th & 21st October 2022 & 12th & 18th November 2022, 19th & 20th January 2023 and 23rd & 24th February 2023, 11th & 12th May and 1st and 2nd June 2023.

Treat me Fairly / Equality & Diversity Online Module, Information Governance / Record Keeping Module, Bullying and Harassment Module        

These modules are available via

·       Learning@Wales. If you have any queries in relation to this please contact Rachel Morgan

·       GDC- will be able to signpost you to providers of these modules.

·       Indemnity provider –will also be able to signpost you to where you can access these modules

Dental Educational Supervisor Approval process (DESAP) application & ES Commitment round opens. (The link will be available on our website from this date)                                 

23rd January 2023 – 24th February 2023

Annual QA Practice visits timeframe –

The visits are designed to assess the educational opportunities that exist within the practice. Educational Supervisors will be annually appraised by their scheme TPD. The TPD will then complete the annual QA visit documentation and provide feedback on in year performance to the ES.

23rd January 2023 – 3rd March 2023

Interviews-(New applicants, and any ESs who have scored in the lowest 10% of total ESs at QA practice visit.)  If you require an interview, you will be informed of which day you are required to attend.  Please keep these dates free until you are notified.             

25th & 26th April 2023, (Via Microsoft Teams)

Interview outcomes communicated                            

12th May 2023                                              

New Practice Visits timeframe

15th May 2023 - 30th June 2023

ES induction course for new ESs new practice staff             

21st June 2023                  

National Recruitment Allocation to HEIW

19th June 2023

Local Allocation process

20th - 23rd June 2023

Commencement of Dental Foundation Training

1st September 2023


Dental Educational Supervisor Approval Process (DESAP)

As you maybe aware DESAP has not been working 100% since moving over to the new HEIW Azure server.  As a result, we made the decision to re-build the system on a different platform.  A platform that will hopefully prove less complex and give us more flexibility and control with the system without having to rely on our kind digital colleagues.  As a user, the system will continue to have all the functionality it did on the last version, however it may look slightly different, and some things may have changed slightly. 

We are hoping to engage with some of you in the next month or so to help us with a bit of testing.  Please be reassured that all the guidance documents will be refreshed to help you through this process.  We are confident the upgrade is a positive way forward.
