Foundations December 2022 edition

Train Work Live Campaign

Train Work Live

As you are aware, over the past few years, we have experienced declining numbers of trainees choosing to train in Wales, with an increasing number of our training posts being left unfilled.  This is a huge shame as Wales has so much to offer young dentists starting their careers.   We are also keen to retain the trainees that have trained in Wales within our workforce.  We dedicate so much time and money in training young dentists to be the best that we want to retain the best in Wales. We have joined up with the Train Work Live team and together we are working on a campaign to encourage young dental graduates to choose to complete their DFT year in Wales We are also hoping to showcase the lifestyle that one can have by living and working in a career in Denstistry in Wales. One of the DCTs has kindly volunteered to work with us on this project to tell us her story, why she chose to train in Wales and the opportunities this has given her. Look out for our campaign!

